Last night Aaron and I took Will to his very first carnival! And of course being that I grew in Walkersville, it was only fitting that Will have his first experience there as well. We were a little worried that he wouldn't be able to do much there, or that he'd freak out on a ride, but he ended up doing wonderful! He was so excited with all the action when we got there, and even more excited about the rides and the games... well the prizes with the games that is. He got on the carousel with Mommy, a Dumbo ride that went up high in the air, and then got on the train with Daddy. He had a great time on all the rides, and probably could have gone on more, but I don't think Aaron and I could have taken any more going around in circles... I tend to get motion sickness. After the rides, we went and played some games. Will loved the pick a duck game, and won a blue ball! I couldn't have thought of a more fitting prize for the child that loves to play soccer all the time. After picking a duck, we moved on to the fish game. That is my all time favorite carnival game, and I was really excited to see if Will would be able to play it with us. It took him awhile to get the whole throw the ball at the fish bowl thing, but once he did, watch out! He was throwing those balls just as well, and in some cases even better, than both of us. He was so close so many times to winning a fish, but in the end didn't win one... but that was ok because Daddy won one for him! When everything was said and done, he ended up with two though because an older woman who had won one thought that he couldn't go home with just one, so she gave him hers to take as well. So now we have two fish sitting in a bowl in our house waiting for their permanent home to be bought tomorrow when I go to the store. Will has enjoyed walking up to the counter all morning long and asking to see his fishes. This went so well, I think we might have to take him to a few more carnivals this year... this time there is going to be funnel cake trying as well!!

Very proud of this throwing abilities... we might have a pitcher or a quarterback on our hands
Checking out his fishy with Daddy
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