Will's hair needs a trim.... again. The last haircut, the hellish experience one, didn't yield a very good result so I think that's why the poor little guy needs his sides and his top trimmed again. I made him an appointment for Sat. morning so Aaron could come help me this time, but this afternoon I decided to see if maybe I could trim the sides to at least make it presentable for the next few weeks and we could hold off on a haircut. Distraction is the key to doing anything for Will that he doesn't like... he reads books while I change his diaper, eats a snack while in the grocery store, and today I tried some ice cream... and then the golden ticket... a lollipop! I handed that thing to him and he knew exactly how to eat it... how does he do that?? It was just enough distraction that I was able to cut one side of his hair... the other side is still long and I'm hoping that I can get it cut tomorrow when Aaron gets back and maybe we can still forgo that appointment on Saturday. Who knew cutting a 14 month olds hair would require such creative thinking... I'm really starting to envy those parents whose kids are bald.

The newly cut side... I really shouldn't be allowing to use scissors on my child's hair, it never turns out the way it's supposed too... at least it's off his ears now though!
I'm one of those parents with a nearly bald baby! I'm dreading the hair cut!! I'll be asking you for all of these tips!
The only thing that has worked so far is holding him down... and the last time I did that he responded by throwing up all over me... hence bringing Daddy this time. I figure if he's gonna throw up, it's Aaron's turn to catch it!!
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