Today Will and I took a side trip to Walmart before his gym class to grab some things for our new little members of the family. He was very excited to pick out some things for the new fish, and if he would have had it his way we'd have a huge tank with lots of rocks and fake plants and those little ceramic fake diver people. But alas, he is stuck with a normal fish bowl with some pretty blue rocks at the bottom. Nonetheless, he loves those fish! He asks to be picked up constantly so that he can look at them swim and wave at them in the bowl. Today I set him down on the counter to get a better look at them and he just grinned away at those things for several minutes... before he decided that he wasn't close enough and he needed to put his hands in the bowl. I did manage to get some cute shots of him with his new pets though before he tried to remove them from their living quarters.

How cute!! I hope the fish live a long time!! :)
Happy 4th of July!!
If I can keep the little hands out of the bowl they might actually have a fighting chance :)
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