April 4, 2009

Chase turns 2!

This past weekend we got to celebrate Chase's 2nd birthday with him at Little Gym. A fun time was had by all... and I was surprised to see that Will even participated in activities he refuses to do during our normal Little Gym sessions (i.e. jumping on the air track and sitting on the parachute). Pappy attended the party with us because I was asked to take pictures of the birthday boy and Will is a little too active for me to chase him and pay attention to pictures. We're very much looking forward to celebrating with everyone this weekend at Little Gym for Will's birthday!

Birthday boy

Madelyn showing off her hanging skills

Chase high 5ing Will

Will was claiming all the scarves for himself

Mandy and her Daddy


Lovin' the air track!

The Ligi's

Enjoying some pizza and taking a break to take a pic with Mama

Chase and his Mama

Blowing out the candle

Checking out his dog print in the mirror... so cute!

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