March 27, 2009

South Mountain Creamery... take 10... or something like that...

This afternoon we took advantage of the mild weather and headed up to South Mountain Creamery to hang out and feed some cows (and eat ice cream) with Piper and her family. The kids as usual were more than excited to see each other and had a blast playing with the rocks and sharing their ice cream with each other. We are so sad that Piper and her Mommy and Daddy are moving away from here... we will miss them so very much!!

Will couldn't get to the cows fast enough

Piper was very excited to see Will

Playing with rocks instead of feeding the cows

Is it me, or do they look hungry?

Feeding with Daddy

Will and his ice cream cone

Little Miss Piper

Sharing their ice cream with each other... oh the cuteness is almost to much to handle!

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