February 17, 2009

Valentine's Day LGSC style

This morning we headed off to Deb and Mandy's house to celebrate Valentine's Day! All our kids were sick last week so we decided to celebrate today instead so all the kids could come. Will had a blast eating cake and muffins, playing with his friends, and of course hanging out with the horses. The kids decorated Valentine bags and then exchanged Valentine's with each other... soooo cute!! This year they weren't too interested in the bags and Valentine's, but next year I know it will be a different story.

Chase's crazy hair in the jumper

Madeline was not thrilled I was photographing her...

Deb's awesome heart cake

Check out that look of determination... I think he was gearing up to eat the entire piece himself

Mandy decorating her bag

The bags

Jamie and his boo boo... the poor guy his the bedpost of his parents bed on Sunday evening... he's ok, but I swear it looks like he's wearing a mask!

Riding the tractor out in the barn

McKenzie and Chase lovin' one of the horses

This place is soooo cool mom!!

Mama, Will and the horsey

Jumping in some wood chips

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