February 17, 2009

Night night time

Night night time in our house is a very fun time. As soon as we tell Will it's time for night night he races up the stairs yelling "nuggle nuggle!! "... he really means snuggle snuggle :) So we all pile into our bed (including the dog) for some snuggles. Snuggles usually last for about a minute before Will wants to get down and play basketball... so we have a family basketball game! We talk about sharing and taking turns and giggle and laugh at each other... and Daddy makes fun of Mommy's basketball skills... After our game, we move on to a bath! Will sits on his potty while Mommy cheers him on, and Daddy runs his bath... with bubbles. On a side note... Will has consistently peed on his potty every night before bath time for over two weeks now!!!

Will loves to play games in the bath, and Aaron's new game with Will is blowing bubbles all over the place with him... which occasionally involves lots and lots of splashing. After bath time, we get all wrapped up in a towel and play peek a boo with Daddy for a few minutes and all laugh hysterically. Last night Will laughed so hard he snorted (he might take after me), and we all rolled on the floor laughing for several minutes. When all the laughing is over, Daddy dresses Will while Mommy gets his cup of milk... Will then tells Daddy "bye bye, night night, and I love you" before he leaves the room. Sometimes if Will yells "hey dad" after Aaron leaves the room he'll pop back in real quick and make him laugh.

After all the fun is over, it's time to get down to business and Mommy reads books and sings for a few minutes... and then Will gets tucked in with all his lovies and ducks and his three blankets (that need to be put on top of him in a specific order).

Night night time is my absolute favorite time of day... it's such a wonderful way to end the day as a family, and seriously makes me happy that I have a toddler in my house! I grabbed my camera during the bath portion of our routine last night and got some seriously cute shots of Will hanging out in the tub and on the potty. Hope you all enjoy!

Hanging out on his potty... and yes, he's playing with a Q-tip

Playing with bubbles...

Doing his sign for more while asking for more bubbles

Lots of laughs

Extreme close-up

Chewing on his duck

Laughing hysterically at his duck because it was making "fart noises" as he held it halfway under the water... he's such a boy!!

Duck kissing froggie


Mindy Kiracofe said...

I wish you would give us a little more detail on your blog about Will's routine!! HAHA!! Love it!!! Love the new pictures!!!

Angie said...

Don't test me... you know I could write soooo much more!! hehe