February 25, 2009

Potty seat

Today while we were at Target I decided to grab a new potty seat for Will since he's been having a little too much fun with his current one that makes all kinds of fun noises and sings to him. I grabbed one that fits right over top the toilet seat in hopes that he wouldn't be too scared of sitting on the big potty. As you can see from the pictures... not too scared at all! Before bath I let him sit on his old potty for a minute but all he wanted to do was turn it on and off and pretend of flush it... so I decided to sit him on the big potty with his new seat. He decided he didn't need to go and hopped into the bath tub. About 2 minutes into the bath he stood up and declared that he needed to use the potty, so out he came, bubbles on his head and all to sit on the big boy potty. And he was right! He did have to pee!! I was proud of him for telling us he had to go and then asking to get out to use the potty... usually he just goes in the tub... He was very excited and proud of himself also and clapped and yelled and kicked his little feet when he went pee pee. Mama was so proud! He's turning into such a big boy these days... is it just me, or does he look HUGE sitting on that potty?? That kid needs to stop growing!!

Cute stuff

Shiver... it was a little cold

Soooo excited!

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