February 25, 2009

A little time outdoors

This evening right before it got dark, we all went outside to do the running of the Dublin... aka... play football with the dog until he's really really tired. Will has been going out with Aaron when it's not too cold and running around outside as well... dodging piles of poop along the way... Today I decided to go out and take some pictures since it has been f.o.r.e.v.e.r since I've taken pictures of Will outside and they always turn out better in natural light. So I popped on my 55-200 lenses and went outside to hang out and do some picture taking... and a lot of laughing. Here is what I was able to capture...

Mr. Constant motion... it is so hard to take pictures of him sometimes!

Looking for planes...

I found one!

This is now one of my all time favorite pictures of Will... somehow I manged to get the lighting and the framing just right... this one is straight out of the camera... no editing at all!

Tired little man


Give me the ball Dublin!

Trying to put on his gloves

Walking down the steps himself... I got yelled at for trying to help him... "No Mama! Self!" he says

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