December 23, 2008

Christmas in PA

This past Saturday we headed up to PA to celebrate Christmas with both sides of my extended family! It's always a busy day making around to see and celebrate with everyone, but we had a great time, and Will was a real trooper! We went out to the home first to have some lunch and open presents with Great Aunt Linda, Nana, and Pappap. We all received lots of wonderful gifts, and had a great time visiting. After the home it was off to Grandma and Pappy's house to see all the Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. We went out to dinner at our usual spot and Will had a grand old time running around the restaurant playing with all the Christmas decorations, and chatting up other restaurant goers. After dinner we headed back to the house for some visiting and gift opening, and by 9 o'clock Will was ready to hit the road for some much needed sleep. He slept the whole way home and after a little cuddling with Mama went right back to sleep in his crib. What a wonderful weekend with family!!

Hanging ornaments on the tree at the home with Great Aunt Linda

Reading the new book that Great Nana bought him... thanks Great Nana!

Sharing a sip of juice from his new Spiderman thermos with his new Elmo

Unwrapping is hard work so Will had to lay down to check out one of his toys...

Watching a video of himself with the Mama


I just love this face... he's actually yelling truck!!!

Will decided he needed a snack so he headed over to the gift shop for some pretzels

Sharing some chewed snack with Great Pap-pap

Dada tickles

Here Great Uncle Craig... have some chewed Oreos!

Playing football outside with the big kids

Aaron and I actually had some down time to sit on the couch together!

Great Grandma showed Will how to turn on her battery operated candles... he fell in love with them!

"Blowing out" the candles

Helping Great Grandma open their present

My cute Santa boy

Mama and her baby

Jump jump jump!

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