August 1, 2010

Adventures in bowling

This past Friday some of my girlfriends and I (and Aaron) took the kids to bowl!  Our local bowling alley participates in a nationwide "kids bowl for free" program, so we decided to check it out.  Will thought it was the coolest thing ever that he got to wear bowling shoes... and he seriously looked adorable in them!  The bowling alley is a 10 pin alley, so in order to accommodate kids Will's age, they put bumpers in the gutters, and let the kids use ramps to release the balls.  The kids had so much fun bowling together... we put the girls on one lane, and the boys on the other.  The boys made it through about 8 frames before they got tired of it and took up shop in the arcade, the girls on the other hand, played a whole game!  I think Will's favorite part of the entire morning was tap dancing on the bowling lanes with his bowling shoes.  Very annoying trying to keep him out of other players lanes... but freakin' adorable to watch!

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