Yesterday we headed down to the Baltimore Aquarium for the day to hang out with Aaron's parents. Despite having a cold, Will was incredibly well behaved, and had a blast! We got to see a dolphin show (which he LOVED), see all kinds of wonderful animals, touch a few animals, and see a bunch of sharks as well. Will is such an inquisitive little person. He is forever pointing and asking "what's that" at things and getting so excited that he is squealing at the top of his lungs. I think his favorite part of the entire visit was seeing the dolphin jump out of the water and touch its nose to the tip of the orange ball dangling from the ceiling... I think he would have sat for hours watching that. At the end of our trip we stopped in the gift shop to see if we could get him something cute to take home with him and we found a life size penguin! If anyone knows our family, they know that Aaron loves penguins, and in turn Will now loves penguins. When he saw the penguin he got so excited, and when we got it down for him, he hugged and kissed it. So yes, now we have a life size penguin living in our house with us. All in all, a wonderful day spent making memories with family!

Checking out the bubble tubes with Daddy

Petting a crab and a horseshoe crab

Lovin the frogs

Laughing with Nana

Sitting in the splash zone with Granddad and Daddy... Mommy and Nana were sitting well out of the splash zone

Some dolphin jumps

Our little family after the dolphin show... Will was more interested in looking at the dolphin tank than at the camera

Being silly with Daddy and his hat (I can't take these two anywhere!)

Hey Mama, these things have really big teeth!!

Goofy little man

Making a classic lemon face at the restaurant

Checking out the bay with Daddy

Very upset that Daddy wouldn't let him get into the water... trust me kid, you'll thank us later...

Ten minutes after the screaming fit... one tired little man
Chillin with his new life size penguin... we just had to get it... he grabbed it and hugged it in the store.
1 comment:
It looks like Will had a really good time there. I know I've been wanting to take Piper there, but now sure how she'll act. I just love how he picked out a penquin and I'm sure Aaron is so proud :o) Maybe, we'll have to get the kids together and head down there one day and Will can show us the ropes.
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