December 7, 2014

Dance observation {2014}

Dance this year has been a little different since Miss Alyssa is all grown up now and can go dance all by herself. She marches back to the dance studio with her little Hello Kitty backpack on her back and her tap shoes on, with the other 15 dancers (her class is HUGE!). We were allowed in to observe a few weeks ago... and it was so cute! Since I am not in the room each time this year, I haven't really known how into it she is... and wow, she is really into it! She did everything the teachers asked her to do, and did it well. And I loved getting to watch her dance for the hour. She wasn't much for looking at the camera, but her friend Ms. Eva was all about having her picture taken... and of course we have Aria putting on a show with her grumpy pouty face since Toya was in the room :)

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