September 17, 2013

Will's last night as a 5 year old...

In a few hours... he'll be 6!!  I meant to write this post months ago... filled with stats and random thoughts and memories of Will's past year.  And... that didn't happen.  This guy has literally grown up at lightning speed.  I have decided that each year I need to sit down and hand write a letter to each child on his/her birthday.  I love that I have this blog for them to read one day... but in a world where everything is becoming digitized, I want something personal and tangible for each of them to have.  I know one of the greatest discoveries in my Nana's dresser was a type written letter for me written many many years ago.  It was unfinished, and you could tell she meant to pick up where she had left off once I had grown some more... but it never happened.  It didn't matter that it was unfinished, or that it had been written so long ago... I love finding it, and I love that I will have it and be able to share it with my children.  And I honestly love that is typed not written.  I have many memories of my grandmother sitting at that type writer. 

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