June 17, 2011

Reading night at the Keys game

What a fantastic night at the Keys game we had! Will participated in the Keys reading program through his preschool and earned himself a free ticket for their reading night.  He was so excited to go walk the bases with the rest of the kids that read and hear his school announced. The players and other members of the Keys organization were out on the field giving the kids high 5's and congratulating them on reading.  Now that we have Will, we are really appreciating having this team in our area.  The stadium is close, the games are at great times, there are fireworks, they let the kids on the field to play catch and run the bases, you can actually see the game going on, the tickets are cheap, and there is a kids area for them to play in!  We seriously love having this local team only 10 minutes away from us.  Baseball is something I think Will is going to enjoy for a long long time with his Daddy... and his Mommy, when Mommy is allowed to attend :) 

This particular night Will sat in the stands with us for almost 6 innings before asking to get up!  He claimed he wasn't hungry at all, but somehow managed to eat part of my nachos, half of my dippin' dots ice cream (which he loves!), and a bunch of Aaron's popcorn.  Yep, def. not hungry  :)  He cheered for the team, and chatted up the kids in front of us for the second half of the game.  Him and Aaron even bought matching camo hats  :)  After the game, we went to the car to watch the fireworks together.  I love watching his face while he watches them... and his cute little hands covering his little ears.  He was such a good egg that night that we are so excited to do this as a family again!!

Keyote signed his hat and he was thrilled!

My boys in their new hats

This was so sweet to watch.  One of the Keys players came running off the field at the end of the game into the stands and went straight to his grandmother for a hug.  I wish I would have had my camera more accessible to capture this... it was so incredibly sweet.  You could tell how proud his grandmother was of him by the look on her face when she came running at her.  :)

We realized about 5 seconds after taking this picture that Aaron was about to put a dent in the hood of the car with his butt... he promptly got off the roof  :)

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