Several weeks ago we headed out to Columbia Mall to build a bear workshop! We had been meaning to go since Will received a gift card to there for Easter (thank you Nana and Granddad!) but just hadn't made it yet. Then our laptop broke, and we had to quickly get it to the apple store to get fixed, so we figured what better time! Will was a little confused with the whole process at first, but quickly caught on. He chose a purple bear for his baby sister right away, and then took about 15 more minutes to decide what he wanted to build for himself. He finally decided to build a Star Wars woof. They also have sounds that you can put in the animals so his wolf plays the Star Wars theme when you press his arm! So cute! AND he is dressed as a clone trooper with a light saber :) Does it get any better than that for a 4 year old boy??? For Alyssa's bear Will recorded his own little message for her. When you press her bears arm you'll hear Will saying "I love you baby Alyssa!" He is going to be such an awesome big brother!

Stuffing his bear
Picking out the hearts
Making wishes on each of the hearts :)
Giving the bears a "bath"
Showing off his cutie bear!
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