February 6, 2011

Ice skating

I think it's safe to say Will had a BLAST ice skating for the first time with Uncle Chris! He loved being on the ice and having Chris pick him up and zoom around with him. I think he thought the hockey stops were the coolest of all. We were worried he wouldn't be able to walk on the single blade ice skates... but to true to Will form, he hopped right off the bench after he was suited up and walked right into the rink with perfect balance. He is definitely his father's child :) All he talks about now is wanting to take hockey lessons and learning to skate. I think I might have to check into that for him. It is funny... we thought he'd want to play some sports this coming Spring and Summer... but when we asked him he told us no to soccer, t-ball and basketball, and then promptly told us he wanted to do Karate and Hockey. I think I might still try to sneak in some t-ball and see how it goes :)

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