January 18, 2011

Will's (aka Elvis) Christmas concert

Back in December we attended Will's preschool Christmas program.  We were expecting something very low key... not too put together... well, we were very wrong!  When we showed up... the entire church was packed to the max!  We got lucky and some friends of mine had two extra seats that they shared with us so we actually got to sit and see the program... next year we will know to arrive 45 minutes early to get seats  :)  The program was fantastic... with each class getting up to sing two songs for the audience.  When Will got up with his class... we weren't sure to expect... would he sing along?  Just stand there looking nervous?  Well we got our answer pretty quickly.  Apparently, I gave birth to Elvis.  You'd think by the looks of all the pictures that he had a major solo in the production... but no, he didn't.  But that didn't stop him from singing into the microphone for the entirety of both songs.. AND dancing along as well!  The entire audience was cracking up at him and he was very pleased with himself.  I found out from his teachers later that night that they had brought the microphones out during practice earlier in the day and he had discovered how to sing into them... they were hoping he would do the same thing that evening because they thought he was hysterical.  Well... he delivered!  Of course both the cameras with video died on us... we do have a short clip of Will and as soon as I can get that off my mom's camera, I will add that to this post.  I am also working on getting a full copy of the program from the church.  I'm a little excited for the next program he has to see if he pulls the same routine... my little Elvis  :)

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