January 22, 2011

Mr. Blue eyes

Oh my little blue eyed nugget.  It's been a long time since I sat down and actually wrote about the little guy... I think it's about time  :) We are starting to see glimmers of what 4 will be like... with a cooperative easy-going child who doesn't throw tantrums and actually uses words and reasoning when he's upset.  It's been glorious!  Will loves preschool (and his preschool teachers)... he has made lots of friends and I barely even get a huge and a kiss each morning when I drop him off.  His teachers are so amazing this year, that I'm nervous for him to change classes to the 4's program next year. I just can't imagine anything being any better than what he has now  :(

Lately, Aaron has been letting Will play video games with him on the playstation... it amazes me how fast he picks things up!  He can play Lego Batman totally on his own, with his very own controller... I think he might take after Aaron.  We recently got a new computer so Aaron decided to put our old one downstairs and give it to Will!  Will was beyond thrilled... he even has his own desk, speakers, game, AND Aaron even made him his own playlist of music for him to listen too :)  One of his new favorite things to do on the weekends is to watch movie trailers on the computer with Aaron... yet another way he takes after his Daddy  :)

I recently asked Will if he wanted me to sign him up for some sports this year... he told me no to soccer, t-ball and basketball.  But informed us that he wanted to do Karate and Hockey.  In light of the hockey request, I think it's about time for Uncle Chris to teach him how to skate  :)  It just amazes me how many opinions he has about everything.  He is quite a specific little man.

He just had another growth spurt and is once again starting to outgrow clothes... I'm really not a fan of when he grows mid-season... haha.  I have no idea how tall he is or how much he weighs... we should find that out in April at his next doctor's appointment.  But he does wear a 4T shirt, and 4T pants... and a size 11.5W shoe.  It's kind of funny to look back and think that we had so many problems his first year getting him to eat and gain weight and the poor guy was barely even on the growth charts... and now look at him! 

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