January 8, 2011

Breakfast with Santa

This year we headed to my old high school again for breakfast with Santa!  It brings back so many memories of when I used to be the one helping serve food, playing music for all the kids, and helping in the secret Santa shop.  This year we let Will go in the secret shop all by himself (well, with the help of a student elf) and do some shopping for the family all on his own.  He was so excited when he came out that he just couldn't wait for us to open the presents he had chosen.  He bought me a beautiful blue bracelet (because he loves the color blue), and a rose that was filled with some adorable blue earrings. Later in the day.... he picked up the rose and asked me to marry him with the earrings.  Goodness that kid makes my heart melt sometimes!  For Daddy he chose a football game they could play together, and for Dubs he chose a rope toy.  I was very very impressed with all his choices... for three years old.... he really picked out things that were appropriate for each person and he really thoughts about and knew what each of us liked.  I have a feeling he's going to take after his Daddy and be a good present giver  :)

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