November 7, 2010

Catoctin zoo

These pictures are months and months old... oops. I am finally getting through all these back pictures and trying to get everything organized before we do the big computer switch and before I get swamped with holiday photo sessions :) Only two more posts to go and I'm officially caught up!! Woo hoo!!

We went to Catoctin zoo several months ago with a bunch of our friends from playgroup... and since Grammy is now retired... she got to come too!! The kids loved seeing all the animals and running around together. The only things we could have done without were the crazy goose that kept trying to bite us (don't worry, Debb knocked it out with her backpack again this year... haha), and the mentally disabled girl who tried to knock over Parke's stroller and grabbed Chase. Not a great end to the trip, but the kids had a blast before all the craziness :)

It's a shame these two don't like each other  :)

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