August 1, 2010

Jefferson Carnival

This past week, my parents and I took Will to our local Jefferson carnival.  I was a little skeptical because the carnival really sucked last year... but this year, it was great!  Will had a blast riding all the small rides himself, playing in the fun house, riding the ferris wheel, going down the slide, riding the trash cans... or tilt a whirl as the rest of us call it, and playing several games.  Of course we had to play the fish game... and even though he didn't make a ball in one of the jars, the guy was very nice and gave him a fish anyway.  Will was thrilled!  Although... I do have to add that his little fishy only made it 4 days before he went belly up.  Thankfully I had him in his own bowl and not in the big bowl with the rest of the fish... I had a feeling he wasn't the healthiest of fish. 

This ride started out fun... but as you can see, they both look like their going to throw up after about 2 minutes.  Will evidentaly started yelling "oh no" "oh no, stop!" at one point.  He's still talking about how fun those "trash cans" were to ride though, so it must not have been too bad  :)

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