March 10, 2009


Will's Sunday was just as full as his Saturday! He got to play at the playground in the morning, then head to the farm to feed cows in the afternoon with everyone. Aaron and I got some much needed time away and had lunch with friends down in DC and headed to watch the Capitals take on the Penguins (they lost). Unfortunately or computer is acting crazy and I think it might have something to do with the photoshop software... so for the time being it is uninstalled and we're seeing if the problems fix themselves. So that means that this set of pictures is coming to you unedited. And honestly, after editing the last several posts, I really don't even want to put unedited pics up here any more! They just look soooo much better once I'm done with them in photoshop... but oh well, hopefully the program will be back soon.

I can just hear him saying "my pile!"

Emptying his eggs from Great Aunt Linda's egg hunt

Hunting for more eggs

Touching a cow with a little help from his Uncle

Jumping off the hay bails


Yum... ice cream!

Stealing everyone else's


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