February 11, 2009

Vapor baths

Since Will has been sick this past week, we've taken to giving him vapor baths at night before he goes to bed. We have never used bubble bath with him before (I know, we're horrible parents), so you can imagine his incredible excitement when the vapo bath stuff made bubbles in his tub! Bath time fun has taken on new meaning in our house with our little one practically running up the stairs at the very mention of a bath. I was able to capture some of the bath time excitement the other night while he played in the bubbles. He loves putting the bubbles on his face, and I tried to get a picture of him with a bubble beard, but it just didn't happen... I had to rescue my camera from the splashing water... maybe next time!

He's looking at his reflection in the overflow drain... he waved at himself and yelled "Will!!"

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