January 10, 2009


Will loves puzzles... he loves doing them by himself and figuring out where all the pieces go, but there is one puzzle in particular that he loves doing with just Daddy... and that's the bus puzzle. He'll bring the box to wherever Aaron is and ask for help... and then Will and Aaron put it together together. Will's favorite part to put on are the wheels and when it is done, he likes to drive it around the room until it falls apart again. I love how he has favorite things he likes to do just with Aaron and favorite things he likes to do with just me. It's so amazing to see his little personality developing right before our eyes (and what a personality it is). He has so many preferences now, and voices what he wants and needs all the time. Just this morning I picked out his outfit to wear to his make-up LG class and he refused to wear it... he wanted me to put him in his red pants with his motorcycle shirt instead! He kept pointing at his drawers saying bike bike!! until I went and got it. Geez!! He's only 20 months old!!

Puzzle time

Cleaning it all up

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