January 12, 2009

Night night

Last night we kept Will up a little later than usual so we could watch the end of the Steelers game. Will definitely let us know that it was past his bed time and he wasn't too thrilled about it. He gathered up all his lovies (all 4 of them that were downstairs) and carried them up to our bedroom, climbed up on our bed, and laid down on the pillows and proceeded to wait for us to come up and find him. Aaron found him first and called down to let me know that Will had decided it was time for bedtime... that little man does love his sleep!!

Clowning around in our bed before bath time

Cute bath time face


Mindy Kiracofe said...

The Bath picture is too cute...but where are the boys bubbles???

Angie said...

I know... we are so mean to him... I have to get that kid some bubbles!