December 11, 2008

Cookie making with toddlers

Oh yes, you read the title correctly... cookie making at my place with lots of toddlers!! I planned way ahead for this, and it turned out awesome!! The kids were great, they were very interested in rolling out the dough and using the cookie cutters... and even more interested in eating!! I put all of Will's toys in the dining room area and after the kids made their cookies they went and played and hung out together while I was able to get some of the kitchen cleaned up. This went so well, I think I might volunteer to do this again next year with the kids!! Thanks to all the moms that were there with their little ones, and thanks for all the help!!... Will and I had a blast!!

Using some cookie cutters


McKenzie and Spring

Rolling out the dough

Kathy and the girls

Eating the dough...

2 cookies at once... that's a lot of sugar!

Hangin' out

McKenzie and her decorated cookie

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