November 16, 2008

Sniff Sniff

My little boy loves to smell things. He always always has to stop and smell the flowers, and when we were at the grocery store the other day and I was buying Aaron deodorant, he took the top off, smelled it, and declared Dada... yes Will, that smells like Dada. Yesterday while I was setting up my candle display for the show, he got a hold of my boxes of scents and decided to start smelling them. He makes the cutest little crinkled up nose face when he smells, and he also wants to share what he's smelling with you. While the girls were here, he'd pull candles out of the box, smell them, and then walk around the room to each person having them smell the candles also. I think I might have to take him with me to my next show... he could be my assistant!

Checking out Mama's candles

Hanging out with Aunt Michelle and smelling some candles


April said...

Bring him to the show! After, he and Jack can hang out. It will be way past their bedtime, ofcourse, but we'll put them off on Justin. Sound like a plan??

Angie said...

Heck no girl! I want to get my drink on :)

Kimberly said...

I love your header photo. :)

Hey, are you a Partylite dealer?