November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We had such an awesome Halloween this year filled with candy, pizza, family, great friends, and really cute kids dressed in adorable costumes! Will's Halloween kicked off with a trip to Grammy's nursing home to visit with the staff and show off his costume to all the residents (and also to collect a little bit of candy). He had a great time running around visiting with everyone so was very ready to come home and grab some pizza with his girlfriend Piper before all the trick or treating festivities started. Piper, Will, and Katie (and of course all us parents) headed out in search of some candy. The kids had a blast ringing people's doorbells and Katie was such a big girl and said trick or treat each time for Will and Piper since they are still a little young to say that. Will was very upset that he wasn't allowed in people's houses while trick or treating... I think he thought that people were opening their doors to let him to go play or something... he got over it very quickly though when Dada gave him a lollipop to eat. Jess was able to take some videos of the little ones walking around, but it was dark outside so you can't really see anything unfortuantly. We were able to take a bunch of pictures though of the cutie pies though... when Beth gets her pictures up on her blog I'll post a link to that as well because I know she got some great ones also!

Pappy and Will at the nursing home

Picking some candy

Eating cake... that kid loves his cake

Dancing to the music (a guy was playing a keyboard near him)

Will and Grammy

Check out these gords Mama!!

Mama and Will

Folks, I'm not sure it gets any more adorable than this... these two are really going to miss each other come February... they are like two peas in a pod when they're together!

Sitting on a pumpkin... well trying anyway

Lollipop with Daddy

The Robinsons

The silly Semenicks

Walking up to a house for some candy

Trick or treat Uncle Steve!

A very sad Will after we told him he couldn't go into the neighbors houses

Little Ms. Supergirl Katie

Give me some candy!!

Help! They're stealing all the candy!

Finally, a good picture of me and my little man


Mindy Kiracofe said...

Finally?? You have a TON of cute pictures of you two. I wish I had half of what you have!! Looks like a good time was had by all!! I've eaten way too much candy!!

Angie said...

Is it bad that I took all the milky ways out of the candy bowl and kept them for myself?? yikes!!

Jessica said...

Love, Love, LOVE the picture of Will and Piper! I can't believe how big they've gotten and now Piper can love on Will instead of crawl all over him :o) Don't forget to send those awesome pics my way!

Jessica said...

thanks for the thumbs up on the cheater post :o)