Yesterday our LGSC group headed out to Mayne's farm to do some pumpkin picking, hay riding, and lots of other fun fall activities. They had a giant pumpkin moon bounce there that Will and the rest of the kids just loved bouncing in. They also had a bunch of small John Deere ride on tractors for the kids, as well as some large versions for them to explore and sit on. Will had a great time pretending to drive all the big tractors, and was very devastated when I took him away from the tractors in preparation for the hay ride. The guy who was going to drive the tractor for the hay ride heard him yelling and came over and asked him if he wanted to go with him to get the big tractor for the ride and I swear Will jumped out of my arms and in to his when he heard that. It is official, my child is Mr. Social and will totally go to anyone! The guy was so good with him (he looked just a bit younger than my own grandpa) and took him to see the dog that was there first, then told him all about pumpkins and explained the hail spots on the some of the pumpkins, then finally took him over to the tractor and showed him different parts of the tractor. Will was not pleased when he was given back to me because he wanted to sit and drive the tractor, but calmed down once the hay ride got started. We didn't ever make it down to the field to pick pumpkins, but did pick from the piles they had been picked already. Will chose two small pumpkins and a gord to take home with him... and of course an apple to eat while he was there :) In another two weeks we head to Summers farm to pick again and take part in some more fall festivities!

Jack and Will hanging out with the tractors

Jumping in the pumpkin moon bounce

Poor little guy is too short to ride

He decided that pushing the tractor was more fun

Riding backwards

McKenzie and Will chillin in the corn field... Will is trying to share his huge corn stalk with her

Swinging on the tractor... he might be a little bit of a monkey


Checking out the dog

The hay ride guy teaching Will all about the hail spots on the pumpkins... how cute!

All of us on the ride... woo hoo!! We finally got a pic of us! Now we just have to get Leslie and Sam with us next time and we're complete!!

Mama and the baby on the hay ride
OMG...I'm totally laughing. I blew that picture up and the kids look soooooooo darn happy about the ride!!!
Yeah... no kidding... but at least the adults look good!! hehe. I would love to get a picture of all the kids together in one spot smiling... but I have a feeling that will never ever happen. Maybe if I wait till they are all 5 it will happen :)
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