Yesterday we took the entire family to Jumbos pumpkin patch to pick some pumpkins! We went there last year and Will seemed to really enjoy it, plus it's really close to our home. While we were there Will got to hang out a little bit with his friend McKenzie, but not for too long because he couldn't wait to get on that hayride! When we got to the patch Will was very interested in running around playing with the vines and pretty much ignored the pumpkins until Aaron brought a huge one over for him to see. After he inspected Daddy's pumpkin he decided that maybe he should look for his own. The looking didn't last long though since he instead decided to try some pumpkin hurdling. They had a ton of tractors pulling hayrides out to the fields and back again and I think he would have rather stayed on the tractor all afternoon instead of being in the fields, but he did humor us with some cute pics and some silliness. Mr. Will never did choose a pumpkin... we're going again this coming Sat. with Beth and Katie, and then again next week with our LGSC so maybe he'll choose one then. After the patch and a second hayride, he was ready to check out some animals with Daddy, and also go on his second ever pony ride! Wow! What a busy afternoon for our little man! I think all that activity made him very tired, because he slept great last night!!
Family picture on the way to the patch
Checking out the patch with Uncle Chris
Inspecting Daddy's pumpkin... it was deemed a good choice!
Running through the patch... there were quite a few falls while we were there from him tripping over vines and such... he didn't care though, just kept kept standing right back up and went running again
Are you my pumpkin??
Pumpkin hurdles... do we have a track star on our hands??
Very upset he wasn't able to get on the hayride yet
After checking out about 50 different pumpkins, Will still couldn't decide on one
My Mr. I do it myself wanted to stand for the hayride instead of sit
Stealing Uncle Chris's hat
Checking out the animals with Dada
Driving a tractor
His second pony ride... hold on tight!
Another family photo... Will was so not interested in posed pics today... way too much stuff going on around him
I am a former Elementary school teacher turned stay at home mom. I have an almost 8 year old son and 3 year old daughter who somehow manage to keep me busier than my class of 25 third graders ever did. I love reading, writing, and after purchasing my first Nikon SLR three years ago... have fallen in love with photography and now have a small photography business called Lollihop Photography. This blog is mainly about my little ones... but I occasionally get a word in here and there.
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