Saturday while I was at Michelle's house doing a Partylite party (thanks for an awesome show Michelle!!), my mom came over and hung out with Will. After his nap, my mom decided that it was time Will bake his very first batch of cookies. Cookie making is kind of a tradition in my family. My mom makes the very very best sugar cookies, and not only are they great tasting, but she makes them special based on the holiday or season. When we were younger my brother and I would always help her make cookies for our class parties and other activities. We got to make green trees, orange pumpkins, red hearts and so on. So in the spirit of adding a little color, mom made blue sugar cookies with Will that are in the shape of numbers. Being only 17 months old, I think he did an amazing job with the cookies. He helped roll the dough out, punch out the numbers and had a blast playing with the flour. He was so proud of his cookies and when I got home he fed me bites of his newly baked blue number cookies. He did so well with them that I think this is going to be a tradition that will continue with Will for many holidays to come.

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