Will is forever trying new things and pushing the limits when it comes to physical activities. He is constantly climbing up things and on to things in record time. He loves to jump and also loves to try balancing moves now. Last night after his bath, he was dazzling Michelle, Jessica, Kristen, and I with his balancing act on his little car. He'd stand up on it, let go, then jump a little bit, and then dive off of it, or just plain fall off of it and roll around the floor. He thought he was absolutely hysterical and giggled the entire time. The more reaction he got out of us, the more dramatic is dismount from the car. He is such a little ham and a performer!!
Showing off for Aunt Michelle
Look Mom no hands!
Jumping off and giggling
Piper's turn to show Will what the car is really for
This picture is completely unrelated but I had to include it. Michelle and I were in the living room and Will came walking in with Kristen's purse slung around his shoulders earlier that evening. It was so cute I just had to take some pictures of it... of course Aaron didn't think Will carrying a purse was as cute as we did :)
I am a former Elementary school teacher turned stay at home mom. I have an almost 8 year old son and 3 year old daughter who somehow manage to keep me busier than my class of 25 third graders ever did. I love reading, writing, and after purchasing my first Nikon SLR three years ago... have fallen in love with photography and now have a small photography business called Lollihop Photography. This blog is mainly about my little ones... but I occasionally get a word in here and there.
Love the purse!! Jim freaks out too whenever Evan carries ANY bag!!
Love the new pictures!!I miss you guys!!
I have a funny feeling you will be spending many days and nights in the ER with this little daredevil :o)
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