Our LGSC group headed over to Costco this morning to check out their safety week. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot I knew this was going to be a great trip. There were two fire trucks there with a lot of firefighters ready to show the kids the fire truck and they had a huge huge space roped off so that it was safe for the kids to run around in the parking lot. Will loved climbing up into the fire truck and exploring, and especially liked pretending to drive. We were even able to get our car seat inspected by a certified safety inspector... and it turns out that Mommy did a great job of putting the car seat in the car and the guy told me I made a great choice picking the Britax car seat! They also had fire extinguishers there and Sam, Mary Lou, and Mindy all got to test them out while putting out a real fire. Will and I might have to stop by later this week for their child ID and fingerprinting going on...
Let me in Mama!!
I do believe if Jack and Evan could talk they would both be yelling Cool!!! in this picture
Will, Evan, Jack, and Chase hanging out in the fire truck... all we're missing from the boys is Jamie!
Jamie hugging Chase when he started to cry
Mr. John the fire starter guy... he taught us how to pull the pin out of the fire extinguisher, and also let a few of us put out fires! See below for videos.... sorry ladies :)
You are a blogging maniac today!!! I would say I'm impressed, but I have come to expect such production from you! What a fabulous time today!! Thanks for scoping it out!!
I am a former Elementary school teacher turned stay at home mom. I have an almost 8 year old son and 3 year old daughter who somehow manage to keep me busier than my class of 25 third graders ever did. I love reading, writing, and after purchasing my first Nikon SLR three years ago... have fallen in love with photography and now have a small photography business called Lollihop Photography. This blog is mainly about my little ones... but I occasionally get a word in here and there.
1 comment:
You are a blogging maniac today!!! I would say I'm impressed, but I have come to expect such production from you! What a fabulous time today!! Thanks for scoping it out!!
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