Saturday morning Beth and I took the kids to Chuckie Cheese to play. I hadn't been in years and didn' t really know what to expect... but I was pleasantly surprised that Will was able to do a lot of the stuff there. He had a blast riding on all the kiddie rides with Katie, going down the slide, and even playing the adult basketball games with Beth and I. We were pretty much the only people there, so the kids were able to kind of run around and do their thing without much worrying which was really nice. Will was able to get a cute little soft ball with his tickets that he has been enjoying playing hockey with... but I'm sure won't last much longer seeing as how the dog has been eyeing it up since we brought it in the door Saturday. Judging by this Chuckie experience, I do believe we might have to make this a family outing some Saturday morning in the near future.

Mama Katie walking Will into Chuckie Cheese

Is it me, or does his expression look exactly like the mouses?

Trying to put his own token in

Grabbing a quick kiss on one of the rides... aren't they sweet!!

Havin some fun on the kiddie slide

Basketball with the Mama
Basketball with Katie and Aunt Beth... they loved standing in the ball area and being able to shoot the big kid basketballs over into the net.
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