Saturday Will, Aaron and I headed to Chestertown to visit grandparents/great-grandparents. Overall we had a wonderful trip, and for spending almost 5 hours in the car that day because of horrible traffic, and having spent 4 hours in the car the day before, I'd have to say Will was quite a trooper. Will had a blast running around in Great Mom-mom and Pop-pop's backyard and playing chase with Daddy, and walking around having Granddad hold him up so he could touch all the trees and all the flowers in the hanging baskets. I had a nice time looking at Aaron's grandmother's hydrangea bushes which are always so beautiful when they are in bloom. I missed them in full bloom this year, but was able to catch a few heads that were still very nice. I am still plotting a way that I can dig those things up and replant them on the side of our house :)
Hydrangea bushes
Some b-ball with Daddy
Playing chase with Daddy around the cars
Stopping for some bites of raspberries
He finally got Aaron's shoes on after several minutes of trying
I am a former Elementary school teacher turned stay at home mom. I have an almost 8 year old son and 3 year old daughter who somehow manage to keep me busier than my class of 25 third graders ever did. I love reading, writing, and after purchasing my first Nikon SLR three years ago... have fallen in love with photography and now have a small photography business called Lollihop Photography. This blog is mainly about my little ones... but I occasionally get a word in here and there.
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