Yesterday evening we celebrated Will's Grammy's birthday with a yummy barbecue and some cake. Will had a great time as usual running around all over the back yard and ofcourse, playing basketball with everyone. There were a ton of pictures taken with three people manning the SLR... so Mom's b-day celebration is going to be told with a long long string of cute pictures.
Will had a blast picking a few green tomatoes from Pappy's garden... he then promptly licked them, realized they taste gross, and then chucked them across the yard and walked away.
Sizing up the basket to see if he can make the shot
Lots of basketball playing happened that day. Will loves to try to dribble the ball and loves being picked up to take shots and then clap for himself when they go in. He is very very into sports already and he's only 15 months old. I do believe Daddy is going to get his wish and have a son who will be highly involved in sports.
Being silly for the camera
Mr. Serious
Taking a little break to lay down with his lovie on a pillow
Dancing man
Just a little messy from dipping his chicken in sour cream
Will grabbed a candle from the cake and licked the bottom of it, then kept sticking it back in again and again to get more bites.
I am a former Elementary school teacher turned stay at home mom. I have an almost 8 year old son and 3 year old daughter who somehow manage to keep me busier than my class of 25 third graders ever did. I love reading, writing, and after purchasing my first Nikon SLR three years ago... have fallen in love with photography and now have a small photography business called Lollihop Photography. This blog is mainly about my little ones... but I occasionally get a word in here and there.
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