May 8, 2008

Story time

These pictures of my little boy just make my heart smile. It totally amazes me that at the age of 1 my son loves to read. If given a pile of toys and a pile of books, my little man would choose the pile of books 9 times out of 10, hands down. He loves to just sit and look at books, and point at the pictures on the page and pretend to read. He even knows what way the pages are supposed to be turned already (the teacher in me is happy), and he knows when we get to the last page the book is all done and he closes it up and hands it to me and then does his sign for more. We usually have story time several times a day, but today after his nap, he wanted to have a story time by himself in his rocking chair. As a true boy, he loves his Rough and Tough book with all the diggers and dumpers and trucks in it... so that is the book he chose to read. He loves to feel the textured parts on each page that feel like tires and rocks, and babble as he points and feels. I am so happy that my little man loves to read and be read to. I hope his love of books continues for years and years to come, and that he finds just as much enjoyment in books as I have throughout the years.

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